September 18-21, 2019 Charles Taylor lecture series by Philip Pettit (Princeton)
– lecture Part One : ‘Persons’,
– lecture Part Two : ‘Values’
September 27, 2019, Colleen Murphy (University of Illinois) – On transitional justice
March 15, 2019 Workshop, Tereza Bejan (Oxford)
January 25, 2019 Geneviève Rousselière (Duke University) “Finding the Sources of Solidarity: Durkheim’s Social Republicanism”
October 12, 2018 Nils Holtug (U of Copenhagen) “Cosmopolitanism and Open Borders”
October 11, 2018 GRIPP Inaugural public forum. Dominique Leydeet, (UQAM), Pascale Dufour, Françoise Montambeault and Christian Nadeau (Université de Montréal.
September 14, 2018 Lea Ypi (LSE) « Eleven Theses on Migration and Citizenship in the Capitalist State”
May 24, 2018 Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript workshop, Holly Lawford-Smith “Not in their Name”
May 10-12, 2018 RGCS/ GRIPP conference: “Political theory in/ and/ as political science,”
January 12, 2018 Andrew Lister
November 24, 2017 Shannon Dea
October 27, 2017 Bryan Garsten, Yale
October 13, 2017 Dominique Leydet (UQAM)
May 5, 2017 Manuscript Workshop, Yves Winter, (cosponsor)
April 28, 2017 GRIPP Manuscript Workshop: William Selinger, Philosophers of Parliament: The Promise and Perils of the Legislature and the Origins of Liberalism
Apr 21,-22, 2017 GRIPP: ‘Territorial Rights: New Directions and Challenges’, (Cosponsor)
April 7, 2017 Charles Blattberg, “Dirty Hands: The One and the Many,”
February 3, 2017 Catherine Lu
January 20, 2017 Christopher Brooke, “On Montesquieu,”
December 9, 2016 GRIPP/CSDC: Representation, Bicameralism, and Sortition: With Application to the Canadian Senate, (Cosponsor)
November 25, 2016 GRIPP: Will Kymlicka, Animal Law Beyond the Property/Personhood Debate, (Cosponsor)
November 11, 2016 GRIPP Methods and Approaches Workshop, Straussianism (Will Roberts/ Travis Smith).
October 14, 2016 AJ Julius, “A Form of Unfreedom,”
September 30, 2016 Daniel Tanguay, De la religion désenchantée par la morale à la morale réenchantée par la religion?
September 16, 2016 Amandine Catala, Stereotypes and Epistemic Injustice
September 8-9, 2016 Inaugural Conference on the Research Group on Global Justice: “New Directions in Global Justice,” (Cosponsor)
August 27, 2016 Leftist Political Theory Workshop, (cosponsor)
May 11, 2016 GRIPP Research Workshop, Katrina Forrester (QMUL), Reinventing Morality: A History of American Political Thought Since the 1950s,
April 1, 2016 Cecile Fabre, “Economic Sanctions,”
February 19, 2016 Aaron James, “Investor Rights As Nonsense (On Stilts),”
December 15, 2015 Manuscript workshop, Arash Abizadeth, Thomas Hobbes and the Two Dimensions of Normativity (Cosponsor)
November 13, 2015 Richard Boyd, Georgetown, “Compassion and Natural Disasters,”
November 6, 2015 GRIPP Methods Workshop on Realism in Political Theory
October 16, 2015 Anita Chari, Oregon, “The Embodiment of Conscience,”
October 2, 2015 Keith Green and Hasana Sharp, “Morality for Mortals,”
August 26, 2015 GRIPP Manuscript Workshop: Lea Ypi, LSE, with co-author Jonathan White, LSE, The Meaning of Partisanship
August 12, 2015 GRIPP/RGCS Workshop on PPE as a Method and a Research Agenda, David Schmidtz (Philosophy, Arizona), Michael Munger (Political Science, Duke), Mark Pennington (Political Economy, King’s College London), and Carmen Pavel (Political Economy, King’s College London)
May 4, 2015 GRIPP Manuscript Workshop: Magali Bessone, Rennes, Réparer les injustices colonials: Perspective transitionnelle sur la justice réparatrice
April 24-25, 2015 Spinoza’s Political Treatise GRIPP conference
March 20, 2015 Chloe Taylor, “Birth of the Suicidal Subject: Nelly Arcan, Michel Foucault, and Voluntary Death,
February 6, 2015 Waheed Hussain, “Dog Eat Dog: Morality, Social Institutions, and Rivalry,”
December 12, 2014 Manuscript workshop, Will Roberts, Marx’s Inferno, (cosponsor)
November 28, 2014 GRIPP Methods Workshop on Feminist Theory,
November 21, 2014 Anna Stilz, GRIPP/ UQAM Philosophy Colloquium, “The Value of Self-Determination,” (cosponsored)
November 7, 2014 GRIPP Mini-Workshop, Amandine Catala, “Secession and Distributive Justice,” Catherine Lu, “Worker Rights, Structured Vulnerabilities, and Global Labour Justice,” and Pablo Gilbert, “Reflections of the Socialist Principle, From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs,”
October 24, 2014 Joseph Carens. Discussant: Frederick Armstrong
October 10, 2014 John von Heyking
September 26, 2014 Jean-Claud Monod, Démocratie hégémonique, démocratie radicale et e-démocratie
May 19, 2014 GRIPP Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop, Paul Gowder, A Commitment to Equality: The Rule of Law in the Real World.
May 9-10, 2014 Conference on “Global Justice After Colonialism.” McGill. (Cosponsor)
April 24-25, 2014 Conference on “Ethical Dimensions of Monetary Policy.”, University de Montreal. (Cosponsor)
April 11, 2014 GRIPP Methods Workshop: Rhetoric.
April 4, 2014 Chandran Kukathas, Political Theory, LSE. “Toleration without limits: a reconstruction and defense of Bayle’s Philosophical Commentary,”
March 21, 2014 Massimo Renzo, Warwick.
December 11, 2013 GRIPP Manuscript Workshop: Peter Dietsch, Catching Capital.
November 1, 2013 Christian Barry, Philosophy, ANU.
October 25, 2013 Gerald Gaus, Philosophy, University of Arizona.
October 18, 2013 Magali Bessone, Philosophy, Rennes.
September 20, 2013 Lisa Guenther, Philosophy, Vanderbilt.
April 5, 2013 Lea Ypi, LSE.
March 15, 2013 David Miller, Nuffield College, Oxford.
December 10, 2012 GRIPP workshop: on Pablo Gilabert, From Global Poverty to Global Equality. A Philosophical Exploration, and Matthias Risse, On Global Justice.
November 2, 2012 John Tomasi, Professor of Political Science, Brown University.
October 12, 2012 Workshop: Leif Wenar, Fair Trade in Natural Resources.
October 5, 2012 Jeremy Waldron, Chichele Professor of Political Theory, All Souls College, Oxford University.
May 29, 2012 Manuscript workshop: Daniel Viehoff.
March 29-31, 2012 Conference in honour of Charles Taylor,
November 18, 2011 Bernard Manin.
October 14, 2011 Jennifer Pitts.
October 5, 2011 Jeremy Waldron, Chichele Professor of Political Theory, All Souls College, Oxford University.
September 16, 2011 Bonnie Honig, Sarah Rebecca Roland Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University and Research Professor at the American Bar Foundation. “’Antigone versus Oedipus?’ Feminist Theory and the Turn to Antigone.”
April 15, 2011 Erica Benner Yale University.
March 11, 2011 Catherine Zuckert Notre Dame: “‘Plato’s Philosophers’: The Political Payoff.”
December 3, 2010 Workshop on judicial review and democracy.
November 19, 2010 Avery Kolers University of Louisville. “Attachment to Territory: Status or Achievement?”
October 1, 2010 Speranta Dumitru, Paris V. “Migration and Citizenship.”
September 10, 2010 Jacob Levy McGill University: “Contra Politanism.”
April 30, 2010 Manuscript workshop: Helene Landemore, Politics, Collective Intelligence, and the Rule of the Many.
April 15, 2010 Conference: “Hegel After Spinoza: A Symposium.”
January 22, 2010 Nancy Rosenblum, Harvard University, “Partisanship and Independence: The Moral Distinctiveness of ‘Party ID'”..
January 15, 2010 Conference: Persuasion, Politics, Law.
November 27, 2009 Conference: “G.A. Cohen In Memoriam : A Critical Celebration of His Life and Work.”
November 6, 2009 Andrew March, Yale University, “Islamic Legal Theory and Modern Religious Liberty.”
September 16, 2009 Cécile Laborde, University College London. “Political Liberalism and the Separation-Establishment Debate: A Republican Interpretation.”
September 11, 2009 Yves Charles Zarka, Paris-Sorbonne. “La légitimité démocratique en question.”
May 1-2, 2009 Conference: “The Bouchard-Taylor report, one year later: international perspectives/ Le rapport Taylor-Bouchard, un an plus tard: perspectives internationales.”
April 27, 2009 Book manuscript workshop: Alan Patten, Equal Recognition: The Moral Foundations of Minority Cultural Rights,
March 21-22, 2009 Book manuscripts workshop: Kinch Hoekstra, Thomas Hobbes and the Creation of Order, and Arash Abizadeh, The Oscillations of Thomas Hobbes.
March 27, 2009 Gerald Lang, University of Leeds. “Invigilating Republican Theory”.
March 12, 2009 Ryoa Chung, Université de Montreal. “The Ethics of Gray Zones in International Relations”.
December 5, 2008 “Settling moral accounts: Law, politics and morality.”
October 31, 2008 Arash Abizadeh, McGill University. “The Oscillations of Thomas Hobbes: Between Insight and the Will”.
October 17, 2008 Philip Pettit, Princeton University. “Varieties of Public Representation.”
October 10, 2008 Alex Voorhoeve, LSE. “Why it Matters that Some are Worse Off than Others: An Argument against the Priority View.”
September 19, 2008 Inaugural Lecture: Charles Taylor, McGill University. “Secularism in International Perspective/ Laicité: une perspective comparative.”
Note: events before 2008-2009 were organised by GRIPP’s predecessor, the Montreal Political Theory Workshop
April 18, 2008 Montreal Political Theory Workshop annual conference, “Cosmopolitan Duties and Domestic Consequences: The Case for Immigration/> Shelley Wilcox , ” Immigrant admissions in the nonideal world”, Joseph H. Carens , ” The Case for Open Borders”, Patti T. Lenard , ” How do the politics of historical redress apply to immigrants?”, Christine Straehle , ” Immigration, trust, and the welfare state”,
March 28, 2008 McGill University, Thompson House 3650 McTavish Street, room 405
Rebecca E. KINGSTON (University of Toronto), ” Cities and Public Passions in Plato and Aristotle.”
March 7, 2008 Jill Frank, “The Authority of Poetry in Plato’s Republic.”
January 25, 2008 Victor Muniz-Fraticelli, ” The Corporate Form.”
November 30, 2007 “Political Philosophy and the City.”
Daniel Weinstock , (UdeM), “An agenda for a political philosophy of the city.” Loren King , (WLU), “Cities, Citizens, and Democracy.” Frank Cunningham , (UofT), “Urban Philosophy: An Approach.” Patrick Turmel , (Laval), “Are Cities Illiberal: Municipal Institutions and the Scope of Liberal Neutrality.” Martin Blanchard and Christian Nadeau , (UdeM), “L’impasse morale et politique de la voiture en ville/ The moral and political dead end of cars in the city.”
November 23, 2007 Iwao Hirose , (McGill University), “Can disability discrimination in health care be justified?.”
October 5, 2007 Hervé Pourtois (Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve), ” Pertinence et limites du principe d’égalité des chances en matière d’égalité scolaire.”
September 14, 2007 Colin Farrelly ,(Waterloo University), ” Genetic Justice: Where to Begin”
March 9, 2007 Nahshon Perez, (Universite de Montreal), “The Liberty to Culture: A Substantial Liberty Approach”
March 16, 2007 David Schmidtz, (Universite of Arizona), “A Breif History of Liberty”
March 30, 2007 Joe Carens, (Universite of Toronto), “Live-in Caregivers, Seasonal Workers, Foreign Students, and Others Hard to Locate on the Map of Democracy”
April 13, 2007 “Hume and Smith on Justice, Sympathy, and Commerce”; Sharon Krause , (Brown University), “Frenzy, Gloom, and the Spirit of Liberty: Paradoxes of Political Agency in Hume”, Andrew Sabl ,(UCLA), “Humean Toleration: Policy, Paradox, and Law of Nature”, Sankar Muthu , (Princeton University), “Adam Smith’s Critique of International Trading Companies: Theorizing ‘Globalization’ in the Age of Enlightenment”, Samuel Fleischacker , (University of Illinois at Chicago), “Frenzy, Gloom, and the Spirit of Liberty: Paradoxes of Political Agency in Hume”, “Hume and Smith on Sympathy: A Comparison, Contrast, and Reconstruction”
September 23, 2005 Pablo Gilabert Concordia): “Basic Positive Duties of Justice. A Kantian Perspective”
October 14 Charles Beitz (Princeton)
Saturday, October 29: Workshop: “Constitution Making and Democracy in Multinational Polities” Organizer: Dominique Leydet (UQAM).
Friday, November 18 Elizabeth Ashford (St. Andrews): “Severe Poverty as a Human Rights Violation”
September 9, 2004 Robert Goodin (Australian National University): “Toward an international Rule of Law: Distinguishing International Law-Breakers from Would-Be Law-Makers”
September 24, 2004 Anthony Pagden (UCLA): “Empires Old and New: Is the US really an Empire?”
October 1, 2004 John McCormick (University of Chicago): “Contain the Wealthy and Patrol the Magistrates – Restoring Elite Accountability to Popular Government”
October 29, 2004 Stephen Menn (McGill): “On Plato’s Politeia”
November 5, 2004 Francis Dupuis-Derri (CREUM) “L’ambition politique d’Antonio Negri”
November 11, 2004 James Tully (University of Victoria) “Understanding Imperialism Today: from Colonial Imperialism through Decolonization to Post-colonial Imperialism”
December 3, 2004 Joshua Goldstein (McGill) “The Paradox of Political Education: Rousseau and Hegel on the Transformation of the Will”
January 14, 2005 Davide Panagia (Trent): “The Piazza, the Edicola, and the Noise of the Utterance”
January 28, 2005 Bettina Bergo (UdM): “What is Politics in Emmanuel Levinas’ Ethics?”
February 11, 2005 Arlene Saxonhouse (Michigan): “Another Antigone: The Emergence of the Female Political Actor in Euripides Phoenician Women or the Inclusion of the Excluded”
February 25, 2005 Colin MacLeod (Victoria/CREUM): “Equality, Dignity and Children”
March 18, 2005 Kai Nielsen (Concordia): “Cosmopolitan Justice”
April 8, 2005 Peter Dietsch (CREUM): “Meritocracy on the back foot”
April 15, 2005 Gerry Mackie (Notre Dame). “Schumpeter’s Leadership
September 26, 2003 Ed Andrew (Toronto) “Seneca’s Socrates and Diderot’s Seneca”
October 2, 2003 Kok-Chor Tan (University of Pennsylvania) “A Duty to Protect”
October 2, 2003 Norman Daniels (Harvard) “Why Justice is Good for our Health”
October 17, 2003 Margaret Moore (Queen’s) “Identity Groups and Identity Politics: A Limited Defence”.
October 31, 2003 Axel Gosseries (Montréal) “Are Growth and Justice Compatible? An Egalitarian Answer”.
November 14, 2003 Jocelyne Maclure (Montréal) “L’integration par la raison publique. Une esquisse”/ “Integration by Public Reason: A Sketch”.
November 21, 2003 Matthias Risse (Harvard) “What We Owe to the Global Poor: Political Philosophy Meets Development Economics”
September 13, 2002 Francis Dupuis-Deri (M.I.T.), “Délibérer ou manifester: peut-on être démocrate dans la rue?”
September 27, 2002 Andrew Lister (Concordia), “Mapping Moral Disagreement: The Cases of Affirmative Action and Same-Sex Marriage”
October 11, 2002 Ernest-Marie Mbonda (Cameroon), “La justice ethnique comme fondement de la paix dans les sociétés plurethniques: le cas de l’Afrique”
October 25, 2002 Jacob Levy (Chicago), “Ancient and Modern Constitutionalism Revisited”
November 1, 2002 Richard Bellamy (Essex), “Sovereignty, Post-Sovereignty and Pre-Sovereignty: Three Models of the State, Democracy and Rights within the E.U.”
November 15, 2002 Kenneth Baynes (Stonybrook), “Deliberative Democracy and Political Equality”
January 17, 2003 Mark Antaki (McGill), “Crimes Against Humanity and the Trial of Louis XVI”
January 24, 2003 Darin Barney (Ottawa), “The Vanishing Table, or Community in a World that is no World”
February 7, 2003 Idil Boran (McGill), “The Ethics and Economics of Linguistic Coexistence”
February 21, 2003 Sam Ajzenstat (McMaster), “For Love or Money: The Political Philosophy of The Merchant of Venice”
March 28, 2003 Diane Lamoureux (Laval), “Après les politiques de l’identité, comment repenser la solidarité?”
April 17, 2003 Nancy Kokaz (Toronto), “Fairness in International Relations: Problems of Non-ideal theory”
7 September, 2001 Klaus-Gerd Giesen, “La cosmopolitique de Jacques Derrida”
5 October, 2001 Leslie Green (Osgoode Hall and Department of Philosophy, York University) “Referenda and Democracy”
9 October, 2001 Alan Kahan, “Nineteenth Century Liberalism”
19 October, 2001 Yves Couture (McGill), “Tocqueville et les deux conceptions de la democratie”
9 November, 2001 Catherine Frost (McGill), “Character Issues: Must Nations Maintain their National Character to Uphold their National Claim?”
16 November, 2001 Denise Reaume (University of Toronto)
January 25, 2002 Henri Mbulu (U de Montreal) “Bioéthique, éthique et droit: le cas du clônage thérapeutique”
February 12, 2002 Daniel Bell (City University of Hong Kong), “Is Democracy the ‘Least Bad’ System for Minority Rights?”
February 22, 2002 Jim Johnson (Rochester), “Pragmatism and the Priority of Democracy: The Genesis of Institutions and the Burdens of Justification”
March 22, 2002 Elizabeth Kiss (Director, Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University) “Restorative vs. Retributive Justice as Building Blocks of a Human Rights Culture”
April 15, 2002 Joe Heath (U de M), “Liberalization, Modernization, Westernization”
22 September, 2000 Cécile Fabre (London School of Economics), “David Miller Against Global Egalitarianism: A Critical Assessment”
29 September, 2000 G. A. Cohen (Oxford), “Why Not Socialism?”
6 October, 2000 Thomas Pogge (Princeton), “Justice and Health Care”
27 October, 2000 Peter Digeser (University of California), “The Concept of Political Forgiveness”
17 November, 2000 Charles Blattberg (Université de Montréal), “Opponents vs. Adversaries in Plato’s Phaedo”
24 November, 2000 Annabelle Lever (University of Rochester), “Privacy and Democracy”
January 26, 2001 Alan Patten (McGill), “Political Theory and Language Policy”
February 2, 2001 Yves Couture (McGill), “L’Idée du Pluralisme Chez Montesquieu”
February 16, 2001 Catherine Lu (McGill), “Justice and Reconciliation”
March 16, 2001 Christian Nadeau (Montréal), “Loi et Vertu: Le Problème de L’Obligation Politique”
March 23, 2001 Daniel Weinstock (Montréal), “The Enforcement of International Norms”
April 6, 2001 (joint with the McGill Department of Political Science) Ronald Beiner (Toronto), “Is There Such a Thing as Communitarian Philosophy?”