08 Aug

GRIPP 2015-16 appel de candidatures/ call for fellowship applications

Call for Applications

The Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire en philosophie politique de Montréal (GRIPP) invites applications for a limited number of 2015-16 graduate student fellowships. Fellowships are available to graduate students in political philosophy and political theory at Concordia, McGill University, l’Université de Montréal, and l’Université de Québec à Montréal studying for their program’s highest degree.

Stipends will vary by degree program, by the Fellows’ existing funding, and by the number of successful applicants, but will be up to $6,000 for PhD students and $2,000 for MA students in programs that do not normally offer the PhD.

Successful applicants are expected to attend and participate in all GRIPP activities, including 2-3 seminars per month (held on Fridays), 1-2 conferences per year, two book manuscript workshops, and one workshop per semester on methods and approaches in political theory and philosophy.  In all cases, papers will be circulated and should always be read in advance.

Fellows will be expected to either

a) present a manuscript in progress at a seminar, which must be circulated at least two weeks in advance, with an abstract available in both French and English.  These papers, normally dissertation chapters or manuscripts in preparation for submission to conferences and journals, should be 6000-10,000 words in length, i.e. about the length of a journal article;


b) lead discussion of a manuscript in progress (which may be written by a Fellow, or a GRIPP-affiliated postdoc or faculty member, or a visiting speaker).  This will involve speaking for 10-15 minutes at the beginning of the session.  A straightforward summary of the paper isn’t called for, since all attendees should have read the paper, but rather an explanation and elaboration of its key arguments and contributions, followed by constructively critical engagement, suggestions for future directions, challenges, and questions.  The aim is to help the author, and to provide a good starting point for useful discussion.

Applications must include:

-The name of at least one GRIPP faculty member (see list here https://grippmontreal.org/faculty/ ) who will support your application.

-For past GRIPP fellowship holders: a statement of progress made since obtaining the GRIPP fellowship.

-Information about any external or endowed fellowships you hold (agency and award).  (Those who hold full fellowships will receive courtesy stipends, not the full award.)

Fellows in their first year with GRIPP will act as discussants; so will those who presented papers last year.  Returning fellows who acted as discussants last year will present papers this year.

If you will be a discussant, you should indicate any broad preferences about the kind of work you are most interested in discussing (these may not be honoured) and whether you are able to comment on work that was written in French, English, or either.

If you will be presenting a paper, you should offer a tentative title and abstract of the paper, along with preferences about when in the year you would like to present (these may not be honoured, and you will be expected to present whenever your session is scheduled).

GRIPP is a bilingual research group. Workshops will operate according to the principle of passive bilingualism.

Deadline: August 21, 2015

All applications should be sent by email to me at [email protected] Read More

25 Jul

Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop with Lea Ypi and Jonathan White

Research Workshop on

The Meaning of Partisanship

Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop
with Lea Ypi & Jonathan White
Arts Council Room 160, McGill University

The Groupe de recherche en philosophie politique de Montréal (GRIPP) is pleased to announce a one-day workshop dedicated to the 2015 co-winner of the Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop Award, “The Meaning of Partisanship,” by Lea Ypi and Jonathan White of LSE.

Read More

13 Apr

Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop with Magali Bessone

Research Workshop on

Réparer les injustices coloniales
Perspective transitionnelle sur la justice réparatrice

Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop
Magali Bessone
Arts Council Room 160, McGill University


The Groupe de recherche en philosophie politique de Montréal (GRIPP) is pleased to announce a one-day workshop dedicated to the 2015 co-winner of the Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop Award, “Réparer les injustices coloniales: Propositions néo-républicaines pour une justice réparatrice,” by Magali Bessone of Université de Rennes 1. Read More

02 Apr

Caleb Yong wins Sir Ernest Barker Prize

Congratulations to GRIPP/ RGCS postdoctoral fellow Caleb Yong, whose dissertation “Justice, Legitimacy, and Movement across Borders: A Political Theory of International Migration” has been recognized with the Sir Ernest Barker Prize for Best Dissertation in Political Theory by the Political Studies Association!

10 Mar

2015 Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Award

The Groupe de recherche en philosophie politique de Montréal (GRIPP) is pleased to announce that it has, exceptionally this year, made a joint nomination for the 2015 Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Workshop Award. The 2015 will be shared by Lea Ypi of the Department of Government, LSE, for her manuscript “The Meaning of Partisanship” (co-authored with Jonathan White), and Magali Bessone of the UFR de Philosophie, Université de Rennes 1, for her manuscript “Réparer les injustices coloniales: Propositions néo-républicaines pour une justice réparatrice.” The workshop with Bessone will held in Montreal on May 4, 2015; the workshop with Ypi will held in the fall.

05 Feb

The Annual Montreal Political Theory Manuscript Award

Call for applications: The Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire en philosophie politique de Montréal (GRIPP), spanning the departments of political science and philosophy at McGill University, l’Université de Montréal, Concordia University, and l’Université du Québec à Montréal, invites applications for its 2015 manuscript workshop award. The recipient of the award will be invited to Montreal for a day-long workshop in April/May 2015 dedicated to his or her book manuscript. This “author meets critics” workshop will comprise four to five sessions dedicated to critical discussion of the manuscript; each session will begin with a critical commentary on a section of the manuscript by a political theorist or philosopher who is part of Montreal’s GRIPP community. The format is designed to maximize feedback for a book-in-progress. The award covers the costs of travel, accommodation, and meals.

More details